The Alabama Housewife

​Southern Humorist, Storyteller and Writer

I have loved to write for longer than I can remember yet after holding down the fort as a stay at home mother for over twenty years, the writing career I wanted to build for so long took more than a back seat. It had jumped out of the emergency exit. A few years ago my son pushed me to publish my first book and not long after, a friend asked me to contribute a piece for the magazine she runs. That one little story turned into a regular column at Good Grit Magazine and I am still writing, still loving every minute of it and still working my way up as I continue learning how to branch out. My husband and I have two children, Jake and Sadie Sue, and I spend a great deal of time 

trying not to embarrass them. My husband is retired and he spends a great deal of his time following me around the house.  ​

We all make our homes in various places across The Deep South. 

Hello and welcome! I am Mary Alayne B. Long.

Please feel free to call me Mary Alayne---unless we are blood related--or you have known me since childhood--in which case I will always be "Layne." I keep my maiden "B" because I am an only child

and my daddy is an only son (with three sisters) and I feel strongly about carrying on his family name. 

I am a life long Methodist and I love the "Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors" philosophy of The United Methodist Church because I truly believe that "Y'all" means "ALL!" I’m an overprotective mother, a habitual furniture re-arranger, an etiquette enthusiast, a loyal admirer of beautiful interior design and a hopeless dog lover. When I'm not cleaning, cooking or hanging drapes somewhere in my house, I spend most of my time writing where I try to follow a strict "Humorous, Heartfelt or Helpful" rule.  I love to make people laugh—and think—so I use my voice in print and in person to share funny, familiar stories of Southern life all while seeking to raise awareness and support for various non-profit groups along the way.