The Alabama Housewife

​Southern Humorist, Storyteller and Writer

Over the course of the next few weeks I am going to be sharing

some of the lessons I wrote about a few years ago when

I had a Dear Abby style column in Good Grit Magazine.

It was a lot of fun to write that one and

I hope you'll enjoy revisiting it with me here. 

How do you feel about invitations to parties and showers or even weddings being sent through social media? What ever happened to a good old fashioned paper invitation?

An invitation to any event should make the recipient feel included and special. I’m not sure how you do that in a DM. While paper invitations are always the preferred method of communication they aren’t always in the budget and sometimes an internet invitation simply makes more sense. For those occasions you can use a delivery system such as Paperless Post or Green Envelope. They offer lovely choices that anyone would be happy to send or receive. Just remember, if you  do end up taking the online route, you still need to hand write all of your thank you notes. That’s non-negotiable.